step by step to reinforce
- open your luna and CE, than select process to luna
- search the item ID you want to reinforce
- example: i want to reinforce my kynee with evasion. search kynee ID in itemlist.bin. .
- scan the kynee ID using CE. .than select all address using ctrl+a. .than click red arrow (like another)
- in case i want to rein evasion , so i must change the Kynee ID to item that can be reinforcing with evasion. .that is shoes armor. and i want to reinforce using HQ. .so i put berserker boots ID
- select all addres on down box, than change value to Berseker boots ID
- back to your game. .and try it
- if u have finished your reinforce, change the ID to normal. .if u didn't do that your item will be gone
maspani saya minta MHbinpacker nya boleh ngga link nya udah corrupt tu.. tks ya :D
BalasHapusSama Sekalian Skilllist.bin dan itemlist.bin kalo boleh kk makasi ya
BalasHapusgan, kyk nya ad cheat baru ene..
BalasHapusbnyk tul char yg jual res skil.
cek nv ch3,, res skil d jual 500M.
kalo dpt cheat baru,, share lg gan.. ^^
Gw juga Liat gan...
BalasHapusBanyak amat sampe Penuh..
pke cheat mrka,, sumpah pngen gw pny cheat kyk geto.. 12 jam dpt 1000GP wew...
BalasHapusbs d belii LB, Res Skil, Res stat tp g isa buat Pukes.
mayan pnya LB 3 slot.
kalo d buka 3 slot lb g dpt athena jg klewatan... w kwkwkwkw....
mas tolong dong kirim itemlist.bin punya kk
BalasHapuspunya aku ilang
kirim ke sini ya kk
misi gan mau nanya ada tau cheat LB3rd,LB4th gila tadi malem gemini 2b aja cakcakca
BalasHapuskalo ada minta tahu dong gan
kk id nya ap itemlist.bin ap
BalasHapusklo bisa minta video nya
BalasHapuskk Share k saya itemlist.bin Plissssss
BalasHapusMinta Itemlist dong.. :D
BalasHapusjual cheat dupe.....semarang in pulsa
BalasHapusmy fb and email :
its not work
BalasHapusLink Mhbinpacker. Cmn udh enggak work lagi